Contact an existing member of the Cooperative

Please provide here the name with which you will interact with an existing member of the Cooperative. It can be your full real name, just your given name, or a pseudonym of your choice.
Please provide here the e-mail address that an existing member of the Cooperative will use to interact with you, and specifically to arrange a (physical or on-line) meeting with you.
Your available meeting times
Please provide here the days and times in the week when you would be available for a discussion with an existing member of the Cooperative. You will fine-tune the exact date and time of your meeting by direct interaction via e-mail. Morning = start of the meeting to be defined among the facilitator of the local group and yourself sometime between 09:00 and 12:00 hours Afternoon = start of meeting to be defined between 13:00 and 18:00 hours Evening = start of meeting to be defined between 19:00 and 21:00 hours
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