I don't speak (or speak badly) English or Esperanto. How can I participate in your activities?

The CosmoPolitical Cooperative acts throughout the European Union, for the benefit of all its citizens. Its socieetal project is egalitarian and democratic. This is also reflected in our rules regarding language. Everyone must have the tools to interact with other Cooperators sincerely, quickly, and effortlessly, without his/her native language being an advantage or a handicap - while keeping the Cooperative's operating budget compatible with monthly fees that remain accessible to all.

To this end, we propose the following rules:

  • As described in our societal project, the Society of Agreement, our long-term ambition is to hold our debates in the egalitarian planned international language Esperanto, as a low-tech (or even no-tech), free, and resource-efficient means of cross-linguistic communication, just as Indonesians communicate through more than 700 local languages with the standard Indonesian language (bahasa Indonesia). This is why Esperanto is, along with English, one of the official languages of the Cooperative ;
  • in the shorter term :
    • interactions (meetings, discussions, exchanges of arguments, elaboration and adoption of Action Proposals) between people with different native languages are done in writing, on our online tools. This implies that we use chatting tools for our cross-linguistic  internal meetings. Oral interactions are dedicated to meetings between people sharing the same native language, or explicitly and a priori agreeing to exchange in a common language ;
    • during discussions and exchanges of arguments between Co-operators (in real time meetings, on discussion threads, around Action Proposals....), where each and everyone expresses him/herself in his/her own name, each and everyone writes in his/her own native language preceding his/her intervention with the relevant language code in 2 letters (en for English). The readers use automatic translation tools (see below) to translate them into their language;
    • the common documents elaborated by several people (such as Action Proposals, methodological guides, situation analyses...) are written in one of the official languages of the Cooperative (English or Esperanto). Each and everyone makes his/her contribution in the language of the document, having it translated if necessary from his/her native language into that language using automatic tools (see below).

We recommend the use of machine translation tools provided free of charge by the German company DeepL, for their quality, but also for their compliance with the European rules on the privacy of personal data (GDPR).