The transformation process that we promote towards the Society of Agreement follows a "30-40-50 Strategy". Under this strategy, we reach the three pillars of the Society of Agreement in parallel axes of effort, with staggered objectives:
- pan-European democracy in 2030, to have a sufficiently strong and unified political power at the scale of the European Union to overcome the resistance of economic and financial powers;
- social justice in 2040, so that everyone has the confidence in the future necessary to engage in the deep transformations of hir/her way of life required for it to be sustiainable;
- environmental sustainability in 2050, for reasons of simple survival of human civilisation.
In our views, pursuing these three axes of effort jointly and in parallel, being equally rigourous in the pursuit of each of them, in a coherent, long-term roadmap, is the only means to overcome the global challenges of the 21st century.