Anti-capitalist protest movements have emerged on several occasions (e.g. the Occupy movement in the US, Nuit Debout in France…), with the aim of resisting current neo-liberal evolutions of society. Some of them have proven to be effective at blocking or delaying unwanted policies that had been inspired by a too "corporate-friendly" agenda.
The CosmoPolitical Cooperative does not follow this road of "resistance", and takes the opposite option of proposing positive alternatives, for the following reasons:
it makes the classical argument of conservatives ("me or chaos", or "There Is No Alternative – TINA", dear to Margaret Thatcher) to fall out
the most effective way of destroying something is to replace it
the global challenges of the 21st century need massive changes to be undertaken in our societies, in a powerful and offensive movement, and cannot afford yet another conservative force pushing full strength on the brake.