- Welcome!
- Why do we exist?
- What do we stand for?
- Start acting now!
- Participate in our activities!
- Your action as a Cooperator
- How we act together
- Who are your founding members?
- What is your value added?
- What is "deliberative democracy"?
- Why do don't you start with explaining what the problem is?
- Why so many details in your long-term vision?
- Why not a coordination of local initiatives?
- Why not a EU-wide civic lobbying movement?
- Why not a resistance movement?
- Why no participation in existing political organisations?
- My values are conservative. What in there for me?
- My values are liberal. What in there for me?
- Why act at EU scale?
- Why pseudonyms on the web sites?
- What does your logo stand for?
- Why few pictures and no video?
- Contact us